Ever get the feeling that your Google Ads account should be performing better, but you don’t know how? You’re not alone—a lot of advertisers spend so much time tweaking the knobs and dials that they neglect to step back and look at the Google Ads account as a whole. Their tunnel vision prevents them from seeing mistakes as well as money-making opportunities.

Well, we’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen to you. So pull up your calendar right now and schedule time every few months to do a PPC audit on your account. And make it easy—schedule it for when you get your car’s oil changed or when you change the air filters in your vents. Just like those are preventative measures to ensure better performance of your car or heating/cooling system (we know about cars, you know), regular Google Ads audits will ensure better account performance before it gets into trouble. 

There are six basic components to a Google Ads audit. But instead of listing them, we’ve decided to provide a handy checklist to make you think big picture PPC.

Before we get into it, let’s get clear on some key concepts around Google Ads account audits.

What is a Google Ads account audit?

A Google Ads audit is a thorough review of your existing pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns. It’s all about diving into your Google Ads account with a detailed eye. It’s about looking at settings, structure, and data to find what’s working, what’s not, and make improvements to the performance of your ads. Think of it as giving your campaigns a tune-up to ensure they’re performing their absolute best. Embrace the audit, and watch your ads soar.

These PPC audits include a thorough analysis of all elements related to the campaigns you’ve run over a given period. This includes an assessment of your keywords, ad copy, landing pages, conversion tracking code setup, remarketing codes, and budget management. The goal is to uncover potential issues and improve the overall PPC performance of your ads. And you should want that.

Psst. If you’re feelin’ kinda lost about Google Ads in the first place, forget about audits, you can learn the basics of Google Ads here before continuing with this article. We’re talkin’ from the most basic concepts to setting up your first ever Google Ads.

Why you need to perform a Google Ads account audit

You’re probably thinking there must be a good reason to immerse yourself in the sea of data, campaign configurations, and ad assets, right? The answer is a resolute yes. Google Ads PPC audits can offer many notable benefits. So what are we waiting for? Let’s delve into the primary ones.